Child in high chair

The PICNIC program has been created to support new parents feeding their infants and toddlers on the Mid North Coast. PICNIC provides parents with the knowledge and skills in establishing positive feeding practices as they transition to solids. PICNIC can support the feeding journey, making it healthier, happier and easier for parents, and their mates.

PICNIC is a peer education program. This means that the PICNIC team provide nutrition/feeding training, information and support to parents who volunteer to be part of the program (PICNIC parent). PICNIC parents can then pass on this information and provide feeding support to other parents within their social groups. The information that you and your mates need to feed your bub or toddler will be available when it’s most needed, in a way that is easy to understand.

To become a PICNIC parent you must live on the Mid North Coast (NSW) and have a child aged 0-6 years old. If you live anywhere else in the world, you can get all the resources you need from the website or you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


  • help parents get the right information about feeding their bub or toddler – parents are getting more nutrition and feeding information from the internet, family and friends than they are from health professionals.
  • make meal-times less like a battle zone.
  • provide nutrition/feeding training that will minimise feeding and meal-time struggles.

If you would like more information about becoming a PICNIC parent then go to the website and contact the PICNIC team. Remember, to be a PICNIC parent you must live on the Mid North Coast (NSW) and have a child aged 0-6 years old.





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