About us

A member of the Health Promotion Team

Health promotion aims to improve the health of individuals and communities, preventing the burden of disease and improving the health and wellbeing of every person.

Health promotion works to strengthen the skills and capabilities of individuals and change the social, environmental and economic conditions of communities in an effort to improve public and individual health. It focuses on preventive health – preventing the root cause of ill health so that people can remain as healthy as possible and live full lives.

Preventive health programs aim to build individual and community capacity to make better life choices, take proactive action and be more aware of how their life choices can prevent illness and disease.

Our programs work towards reducing lifestyle related risk factors and can help to reduce chronic disease and reduce hospitalisations by keeping people healthier for longer.

We work with local community members, schools, health professionals, local councils and other key partners to ensure that our programs maintain a place-based approach to health and wellbeing. We understand that where we live has an important role in shaping our health. 

We all have a role to play to help build healthier communities and improve the health and wellbeing of every individual living in our community.

There are a number of programs available throughout MNCLHD that can help you to support your patients. Many of the programs provide you with a referral pathway to help support your patients including:



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