Resources for parents and carers
Here’s some reliable information for parents and carers to keep informed and support their children and protect them from vaping.
- Parent and Carer Webinar on Youth Vaping – In February 2024, the NSW P&C Federation facilitated a webinar for parents and carers on the harms of youth vaping, how to recognise the signs of nicotine addiction, and tips for supporting children and young people to quit vaping. The webinar featured a panel of experts including NSW Health Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant, Sydney Children’s Hospital specialist Dr Bronwyn Milne and representatives from NSW Health and NSW Department of Education, who also responded to parent questions in a Q&A session at the end of the webinar. To listen to a recording of the webinar, click here
- Vaping harms your health – Cancer Institute NSW new campaign
- Being Gen Vape – The Behaviour Change Collaborative presents exploratory research into what it’s like for today’s teens to be Gen Vape. Research was conducted with Western Australian teenagers in school years 7 to 12, to help provide an understanding of teen vaping behaviour, informed through their lived experience.
- E-Cigarette Child Safety Flyer – This resource provides advice to parents and families about the importance of child safety around e-cigarettes and highlights the risk of nicotine poisoning in children.
- The facts about vaping – Tobacco and smoking ( – This website helps to educate parents on what vaping is, provides tips on what parents and carers can do to protect children from vaping and what support is available.
- Guide to Support Young People to Quit e-Cigarettes – Ministry of Health
This guide has been developed to support health professionals and others who work with young people to effectively address e-cigarette use, support young people to manage nicotine withdrawals, and assist young people in quitting e-cigarettes. - Parents – Talking to young people about vaping factsheet – This factsheet gives parents and carers tips on how to have the conversation with a young person about vaping – from starting with information to focusing on health and explaining your concerns.
- Vaping – what parents and carers need to know recording – Federation of Parents & Citizens Associations NSW ( – This is a webinar co-hosted by the P&C Federation with NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education to help parents and carers understand more about the facts on the health risks of e-cigarette use (vaping).
- Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: Factsheet by Positive Choices – This website provides information about the effects of vaping (immediate and long term), common vaping myths and webinar on what you need to know about vaping.
- Know when you are being played – This video explores the issues of manipulation and the way the Tobacco Industry uses this to recruit new consumers, young people, to their product. The video is also part of a learning package for teachers of students in Years 9-10 to assist High School PDHPE staff to address issues pertaining to ‘choice’ in and around the increasing presence and use of e-cigarettes or vapes by young people.
The Mid North Coast Local Health District Health Promotion team has also developed a range of newsletter articles to provide simple and clear information for parents and carers.
Newsletter snippet – What is a vape?
Newsletter snippet – Regulations and laws
Newsletter snippet – Why are we concerned about young people and vaping?
Newsletter snippet – How to have the conversation with a young person who is vaping
Newsletter snippet – How to support young people who are curious about vaping