Young people
Continuing healthy habits throughout the teenage years can help to ensure you stay healthy and well throughout life.
Eating a range of healthy and nutritious foods from all of the 5 food groups and drinking water to stay hydrated can help:
- with healthy bones, muscle growth and development
- improve concentration, which is good for studying
- provide energy needed to be physically active
- protection from many diseases later in life.
At school it is important to eat well. The NSW healthy school canteen strategy provides a guide for school canteens to supply healthier food and drink in the canteen which can help to support some healthier choices while at school.
If you are looking to make some healthy changes the Get Healthy Information and Coaching service is a free and confidential phone based service for anyone aged 16 years and over.
The Healthy Eating Active Living NSW website has lots of information about eating well, recipes and meal planning ideas, and some tips about getting active.