Kids and families

Family eating fruit

Eating healthy, fresh food and being active is key to living a longer, healthier life. Giving kids the best start in life can help to ensure they grow into healthy adults and protect them from illness and disease.

Check out our programs and services available locally for children and families.

Feeding kids can be hard for families but it does not have to be stressful. We have a range of programs that can help support families when it comes to feeding. 

PICNIC is for parents of 0 to 2 year-olds. The PICNIC website has heaps of information on how to feed kids, as they move to eating solid foods.

PICNIC 3-6 is a new program being offered to families with children aged 3-6 years living on the Mid North Coast of NSW. More information will be available soon. 

Aboriginal Go4Fun was developed in partnership with Aboriginal communities and is delivered by local Aboriginal organisations together with NSW Health. The program is delivered in a culturally-tailored way for Aboriginal families and communities.

Aboriginal Go4Fun is a free 10 week program for children aged 7-13 and their families. The program includes:

  • Aboriginal support staff
  • traditional Indigenous games
  • tailored resources.

Go4Fun Online is perfect for families that can’t make it to our face-to-face program, but still want to make health changes to their lifestyle.

For further information visit Go4Fun.

Active Kids Vouchers are available for eligible primary aged children to access community sports. The program promotes children’s participation in organised sports and can help to boost their interest in sporting activities outside of school. 

Keeping track of how kids are growing can help identify if there’s need for some extra help from a health professional. It is common for kids to be weighed and measured by various health professionals as part of a health assessment.

If you have any concerns, it is best to speak to your GP or health professional who will be able to talk to you about your kid’s needs and provide suitable referral options. 

Do you need some new recipe ideas? The Healthy Eating Active Living NSW website has loads of healthy recipes, and other tips on healthy eating

Healthy Eating Active Living NSW also has some great tips for being active. Check out Get Healthy for the Mob.

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