
As the use of e-cigarettes increases and vaping becomes more visible, whether it be via advertising, television programs or movies, or through personal contact, it is important that we keep informed and educated on this emerging issue.

We are currently conducting community consultation to try and understand the youth vaping space across the mid north coast. We are keen to hear from young people, as well as organisations and agencies who work with young people.

If you’re aged 12-24 years, we would like to know your thoughts on youth vaping by completing a short survey. All responses are anonymous and the information shared will help inform a local and collaborative approach to youth vaping. You can access the survey link here.

If you would like more information on vaping, start here with these reliable sources:

Electronic cigarettes – Tobacco and smoking (nsw.gov.au)

Youth vaping resources by Quit Victoria

Vaping what we know by Your Room (NSW GOV)

E-cigarettes and Vaping Factsheet by Drug and Alcohol Research and Training (DARTA)

Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping: Factsheet by Positive Choices

Video – ‘Know when you are being played’

Positive Choices – E-Cigarette and Vaping in young people

Unveil what you inhale Factsheet by Lung Foundation Australia 

Parents – Talking to young people about vaping factsheet

Health Direct E-Cigarettes and Vaping



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