Healthy Communities Mid North Coast

Childeren in a playground

Healthy Communities Mid North Coast (Healthy Communities) brings together a range of government, non-government and community representatives to build healthy communities across our region.

Healthy Communities started in 2017 in an effort to work with communities through a regional leadership model to build capacity for preventive health on the Mid North Coast. 

Key objectives:

  1. Stimulate, support and evaluate community-initiated preventive health innovations on the Mid North Coast.
  2. Develop and leverage a regional leadership model for preventive health on the Mid North Coast.

Over the years Healthy Communities has held a regional childhood obesity summit, completed a 5-year action plan and released 4 rounds of the Innovation Fund. 

Healthy Communities released the Youth Well Fund on 1 July 2021 which funded project ideas that supported the health and wellbeing of young people (13-24 years) living on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Go to Healthy Communities to view some of the completed projects.

Go to Healthy Communities for more information or contact us at

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