Young people
Continuing healthy habits in adolescent years can help to ensure you stay active and well throughout life.
Being physically active every day does not have to be hard. Taking small steps to get moving more and sitting less can help boost your active hours each day. Being physically active can help to:
- become healthier, fitter and stronger
- improve overall health and wellbeing
- focus in the classroom – to achieve better results at school
- be social and have fun with friends and make new ones
- boost self-esteem and confidence
- develop healthy active habits for life
- reduce stress
- improve overall health and wellbeing.
Deciding to be more active does not mean you have to commit to running a marathon. Make small changes every day to increase the amount of exercise you do. Try walking or riding to school to increase your activity. Consider adding some strength exercises at least 3 times per week to build your muscle and bone strength.
Try to commit to 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity every day. This may include:
- a brisk walk
- riding a bike
- skateboarding
- dancing
- swimming.
Vigorous activity makes you puff. This may include:
- a jog or run
- faster team sport such as soccer, netball, basketball
- group fitness class at a gym.
Combining moderate to vigorous activity with other activities can help to achieve 3 hours of physical activity every day.
Being physically active every day can help to keep you strong and healthy. Less than 15% of adolescents meet the guidelines for physical activity. Physical activity for Everyone PA4E1 is an evidence-based program designed to increase physical activity in adolescents and help to maintain a healthy weight. Providing support for teachers and schools to ensure physical activity opportunities continue throughout the high school years.
Are you over 16 years old and want to get more active? Get access to the Get Healthy Service to help you get motivated, and make positive lifestyle changes to support your health and fitness goals.
You can find loads of tips and resources to get more active every day on the Healthy Eating Active Living NSW website.
If you are 16 years and over Get Healthy Service can to support your health and fitness goals.