Our vibrant and professional Aboriginal workforce spreads across all services from doctors, nurses and midwives to health professionals and administrative roles, because when it comes to Closing the Gap, we make a difference.
The Strategy focuses on three key action areas of recruitment, recognition and retention which is underpinned by strengthening and supporting organisational culture. It’s our commitment to respect, engage and grow a culturally safe workplace across the public health sector in clinical, non-clinical and leadership roles for Aboriginal people.
We recognise diversity and the value that it brings in reflecting the communities we serve. We aspire to continue to create a skilled Aboriginal workforce that ensures we provide culturally safe programs and services that meet the needs of Aboriginal people and positively impact on their health outcomes.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander careers
We know that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make a difference, and here you will find useful resources that will assist in finding just the right career path for you.
Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) is committed to improving health outcomes for Aboriginal peoples and our Aboriginal communities. To help achieve this, MNCLHD has made it their priority to grow Aboriginal employment and improve career development opportunities.
As part of this priority, MNCLHD have established an Aboriginal Talent Pool to allow Aboriginal employment for roles coming up throughout the year across all our services and facilities.
To be a part of our talent pool you can submit your interest by following the link below. You will be asked to complete a short form and to submit a current resume and cover letter.
We have various types of roles available across our district. If you have an interest in a certain type of role you will have an opportunity to select this in your application. If you are unsure that’s OK – our Aboriginal Workforce team can help find you the role that’s right for you.
Preparing your application
The application process is open all year. As part of the application process, applicants must complete an online application form and provide: contact details for two referees.
Need help or more information?
For NSW Health internal employee login/password issues please contact the Statewide Service Desk (SWSD) on 1300 285 533.
For questions relating to Aboriginal Workforce or submitting your application, please contact the MNCLHD Aboriginal workforce team on MNCLHD-AboriginalWorkforce@health.nsw.gov.au
The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Program is an initiative of the NSW Government to encourage job opportunities and career advancement for Aboriginal people. The aim of the program is to promote diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce by reducing barriers to employment and promotion for Aboriginal people.
As part of this program, we offer two-year school-based traineeships to successful candidates working in nursing, allied health, IT and administration across all of our health sites.
On completion of the traineeship, students will have achieved a nationally recognised qualification in their chosen field, which contributes to their Higher School Certificate.
The Aboriginal Workforce in NSW Health site offers valuable information and resources to all Aboriginal people regarding jobs within NSW Health.
The Stepping Up website provides information on career pathways for Aboriginal people in NSW Health.