Child, Adolescent and Family Counselling Service

Child and family counselling is a non-judgemental and respectful process where a ‘listening ear’ may be helpful. Counselling can provide you with both information and an advocate or support when needed. We work with both children and parents to make a difference. Our counsellors are qualified in social work or psychology.

Child and family counselling may assist you and your family to manage stress in your family life. We work with you to develop strategies and set goals to improve your situation.

Child and family counselling may help when a child is:

  • engaging in dangerous or risky behaviours
  • self-harming or threatening to do so
  • flighting with other children lots
  • does not appear to be coping
  • angry a lot or acting out
  • fearful and distressed
  • ‘out of control’
  • withdrawn, worried and sad
  • defiant
  • having difficulty adjusting to things that have happened in their life.


 when a parent/carer would like help managing:

  • a child’s challenging behaviours
  • or there is conflict between the parent/carer and child
  • peri-Natal mood, anxiety and related difficulties.

Child, Adolescent and Family Counselling Service is unable to provide a crisis response. If urgent assistance is required, please see here for services that may be able to assist in this way.

Families experiencing domestic violence or abuse are best referred to the FaCS Helpline on 132 111.

If family court matters are in process, Child, Adolescent and Family Counselling Service will wait until after court orders are in place before counselling can occur. the Family Relationship Centre may be able to assist in the interim on 02 6659 4100.


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