Sexual Assault Services

Sexual assault is a crime and is not the victim’s fault.

Sexual assault occurs when a person is forced, coerced or tricked into sexual acts against their will or without their consent, or if a child or young person under 18 is exposed to sexual activities and can happen to anyone in our community.

This includes people who are young or old, from any cultural background, wealthy or not so wealthy, married or not. Anyone can be a victim of sexual assault.

Most victims of sexual assault know the person who assaulted them, such as a family member or friend or someone from work, school, church or another social group.  A person you don’t know or have just met can commit sexual assault.

Sexual Assault can also occur when a person is unable to consent, such as if they are intoxicated, asleep or are too young to consent (below the age of 16 years).

Child sexual assault occurs when an adult or someone bigger than a child uses their power or authority over the child and takes advantage of the child’s trust and respect to involve the child in sexual activity.

Sexual assault is an attack on a person’s body, senses, emotions and whole of self. Its effects can be serious and long standing. They may include shock, fear, shame, guilt, disbelief, isolation, nightmares, depression, anxiety, loss of trust, eating problems, relationship difficulties and parenting concerns.

For further NSW Health information follow information for victims of sexual assault.

Released in February 2020 is the  Responding to Sexual Assault (adult and child) Policy and Procedures which now guides the intervention, prevention and response to sexual assault presentations.

Crisis Sexual Assault Services are available 24 Hours, 7 days a week through hospital Emergency Departments for people who have been assaulted within the last 7 days. Specialist sexual assault medical practitioners provide treatment and support.

Outreach services are also available and can be accessed by contacting the above services.

Sexual Assault Services provide trauma-informed services to:

  • children and young people
  • adults sexually assaulted recently or in the past, including as a child
  • non offending family members/significant others (including carers) of those listed above.

Sexual Assault Services:

  • address safety and vulnerability especially in children
  • provide psychosocial services, therapeutic interventions, provision of information, casework and client advocacy
  • provide medical and forensic services, including medical examination and collection of forensic evidence from victims
  • provide court preparation, court support, reports, including Victim Impact Statements. Expert Certificates and Expert Evidence are also provided from the medical and forensic services.

MNCLHD provides sexual assault services in conjunction with:

Training, strategic direction and implementation of new policies and procedures in responding to sexual assault occurs through the District coordinator for domestic and family violence and sexual assault strategy.

Joanna (Jo) Trewavas
MNCLHD Coordinator for Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault Strategy
Phone: 02 6691 1901


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