MNCLHD Sustainable Healthcare Framework

waterfall in forest

The MNCLHD Sustainable Healthcare Framework outlines the District’s vision to have a best practice low carbon, low waste, climate resilient health system which continues to focus on excellence in people-centred healthcare.

The Framework is centred around six key focus areas: Sustainable Organisation, People and Places, Clinical Care, Waste Management and Resource Recovery, Procurement, and Sustainable Infrastructure. Each focus area is underpinned by Environmental, Social and Governance framework and was developed in consultation with the District’s staff.

Our focus areas

This focus area is centred on strengthening our sustainability practices within our governance framework, management processes and resourcing. We will do this by assigning accountabilities, nominating sustainability indicators, and communicating our sustainability progress across MNCLHD and externally to our partners and communities. 

See pages 19 and 22 of the framework for further information.

Priorities: Empowering our people to drive and practice Sustainable Healthcare.
Promoting active transport and healthy places to improve everyone’s mental and physical wellbeing.

The people MNCLHD employs to deliver health services to local communities are diverse, inclusive, and respectful. We are focused on seeking out opportunities to support their wellbeing, social cohesion, and learning opportunities, as they continue delivering for our communities.  

See page 24 of the framework for further information.

We will revise our models of clinical care to maintain excellence in patient care whilst delivering care more sustainably.

We will strive to reduce the carbon footprint of our clinical care.

See pages 25 and 26 of the framework for further information.

Applying a ‘Rethink, Redesign, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ approach to the use of materials.

We are working towards zero waste to landfill by reducing MNCLHD’s consumption and minimising waste during operations. 

See page 27 of the framework for further information.

Cleaner and more socially responsible products, services, and supply chains.

See page 28 of the framework for further information.

Environmentally sustainable design, construction, and operation.

We aim to provide healthcare services in healthy environments that are energy efficient, climate resilient, have a connection to nature and promote sustainable forms of transport. We are transitioning our buildings and precincts to net-zero carbon emissions.

See page 29 of the framework for further information.

Sustainability in MNCLHD

MNCLHD is committed to providing a resource efficient health system, so it may manage costs, reduce impacts on the environment and improve the wellbeing of the community in which it operates. The 2016-2023 Sustainability Implementation Plan provided a framework for MNCLHD to guide, measure and report its performance against actions outlined in the Resource Efficiency Strategy for NSW Health 2016-23 and the NSW Government Resource Efficiency Policy.

See page 17 of the framework for further information.

15 actions have been identified as the priority for implementation. They apply to all of the 2030 Sustainable Healthcare targets and implementation of these actions is foundational to the achievement of the 2030 goals.

They can be broadly categorised under three themes – Leadership and Governance, Funding and Investment and Monitoring and Evaluation. They were selected through our consultation process with MNCLHD stakeholders. Implementation should commence within the next year.

See page 30 of the framework for further information.

Since 2009, emergency departments across Australia have experienced increased presentations of chronic health conditions, such as cardiovascular, renal, and respiratory illnesses during periods of prolonged heat.

Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st Century (WHO).

See page 13 of the framework for further information.

Sustainable Healthcare Champions and Working Groups

We are building a Sustainable Healthcare Champions Network across the Mid North Coast Local Health District. Staff are invited to get involved.

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