MNCLHD Aboriginal Health Strategic Framework 2024-2034

The Mid North Coast Local Health District Aboriginal Health Strategic Framework 2024-2034 is now available.

As part of Mid North Coast Local Health District’s continued commitment to close the gap in health outcomes and life expectancy between Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people, the Mid North Coast Aboriginal Health Strategic Framework 2024-2034 has been developed.

This new framework was informed through consultation with internal and external partners as well as Aboriginal community to collaborate and co-design a framework that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people of the Mid North Coast.

The framework provides a guide on how we plan, implement and evaluate our actions to ensure they are culturally safe, appropriate and effective. It is aligned with the MNCLHD Strategic Plan 2022-2032 and links with a number of state, national and local plans and policies including;

The Framework aims to ensure that improvements in the wellbeing of Aboriginal people is embedding in everything we do and that all parts of our organisation, from the Governing Board through to every ward and community service level, takes action that delivers better outcomes, accessible services, and optimal healthcare experiences for Aboriginal people.

To ensure alignment with emerging health plans and policies at times this document may require to be updated. The most current version will be available on this site. 

Language translations

Traditional languages are a key element of Aboriginal peoples’ identity, connection to family and kinship, cultural and spiritual connection and are vital to wellbeing.  

Muurrbay Aboriginal Language and Culture Co-operative has undertaken linguistic work to inform the Framework, which involved liaising with local Aboriginal people. Thanks to the Muurrbay team for their translation work, especially Brother Steve Morelli (Gumbaynggirr translations). Thanks also to Uncle Gary Williams (Gumbaynggir), Aunty Caroline Bradshaw (Dunghutti), Uncle Bob Smith (Dunghutti) and Aunty Rhonda Radley (Birpai) who provided the sound recordings of language within this site.

Revitalisation of language is an integral part of connecting back to country. In this video we hear how language and culture is fundamental to health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people and plays a key role in creating culturally safe and welcoming places in health services.

Key elements of the framework in language

Title page

In Language In English

Darrundaygirr darruyaygam maabu-daariwaygam Girrwaanbigundi

Improving the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people

Acknowledgement of Country

In Language In English
Ngiyalagay junga-ngarraynggi yaanga Birrbay, Janggadi, Gumbaynggirr gungangulam,
Yaanga wajaada juuda julundi
yaam Mid North Coast Local Health ngayinggi

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land covered by the Mid North Coast Local Health District – the Birpai, Dunghutti, Gumbaynggirr and Nganyaywana nations.

Nyiyanang dhupiyn.gan, ngarratiyn  barri, Gumbaynggirr-gutun, Birrbay-gutun, Dhanggati-gutun. Nga’angga barriya, MNCLHD nyinatiyn

We acknowledge country belonging to the Gumbaynggirr, the Birpai and the Dunghutti. On these lands, MNCLHD sits.

Nyiirun dhanbaan-ngarrayn barray Gumbaynggirrguba, Dhanggatiguba, Birrbayguba.
Wuyinga barrayga, MNCLHD yalawayn
Gathang (Birpai)

We acknowledge country belonging to the Gumbaynggirr, the Birpai and the Dunghutti. On these lands, MNCLHD sits.

Our view, our voice

In Language In English
Miyang nyiyanang nhayan, miyang nyiyanang guuyan

Our view, our voice – what we see, what we say

Minya nyiirun nyaayn, minya nyiirun djuyayn
Gathang (Birpai)

Our view, our voice – what we see, what we say

Aboriginal people’s perspective on health

Jirray Girrwaanbi-yu nyayagi darruyaygam-gundi

Aboriginal People’s perspective of health.

Girrwaanbi-gundi darruyaygam yaam yirraay:
Biyagay buurrgi-girr wadanyundi darruyay, gala girrwaa wumaagaw darruyay gawbarrigam-ba, mabuula, guunu-warluunyja, yaamandi garlugun waarru wagin guuyuway-gi. Yilaana yarranganga waadu wagin darrunday girrwaagundi darruyaygam. Ngiyalagay yaam yirringin nyayagi: Yaam guunu-wumaagaw-gundi yaamandi yidaa wanggalay gunuugu-waaligamgu-gunuugu.

Aboriginal health means not just the physical wellbeing of an individual but refers to the social, emotional and cultural well-being of the whole community in which each individual is able to achieve their full potential as a human being thereby bringing about the total wellbeing of their community. It is a whole-of-life view and includes the cyclical concept of life-death-life.
National Aboriginal Health Strategy

Wutu marrunggan, gudhurrgan magiya, dhimbuyndha. Wunggatiyn waadhuga wutugu
Everybody being well, being strong in body, in spirit. Working as one for all.
Ngaanbiyn gagil marrung marinda, marrayga, ngarralda. Ngaanbiyn duumuliliyn gagi ginyaanggang, marrunggang, dhanbaan.gang
Gathang (Birpai)
Everybody (community) being well in body, in spirit and in knowledge. Everybody caring for each other to be happy, healthy and strong.

Focus area 1: Informed, engaged, empowered, community

Junga-junaaygam, ngarraangaygirr , balmuunambang, girrwaa-gundi

Informed, involved Aboriginal consumers and communities that guide our development.

Focus area 2: Positive and personalised care experiences

Maabu-darrundaygam dugu-mabi

Trusted, seamless, consistent, effective, safe care that meets Aboriginal patients’ needs.

Focus area 3: Strong prevention and early intervention

Gulambaygam daariway, darrundaygam gurrubal

Promoting wellness for Aboriginal people, protecting the Aboriginal population, addressing risk factors.

Focus area 4: Partnering, collaboration, communication

Ngalan-yanaaygam, ngalan-barriyaygam

Respectful, systematic, effective, empowering and enduring.

Focus area 5: Streamlined processes that support safety and best practice

Yaaway-gam nyarlaan, yaamandi ngalanambay daalbirrwirr, ngirraygam darruy-wunba

Culturally appropriate, integrated, innovative systems that support continuous quality improvement and address the needs of Aboriginal people.

Focus area 6: Research, health intelligence, strategic management

Ngaalgan.gundi jandaygam, darruyaygam-gundi miindal, mangga-mayungigirr

Building knowledge for best decisions.

Focus area 7: People, culture, and capability

Waarru-biin, guunu-warluuny, gulbul-ay-gam

Values driven, right people in right roles to deliver our strategy.

Focus area 8: Resource stewardship

Ngarrayngga minya! Maana yurruunda! Biiwaymba balama!

Strategic, efficient, sustainable, needs-based.


For further information please contact the Aboriginal Health Strategic unit.

Amanda Ryan
District Manager Aboriginal Health Strategy, Policy and Performance
Phone: 02 6589 2141

Jenny Wehlow
Strategy and Improvement Officer Aboriginal Health & Primary Partnerships
Phone: 02 6589 2146

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