About us

The Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) established the Research and Knowledge Translation Unit in 2013.  The unit provides a central point of contact to develop and support research and knowledge translation within the MNCLHD.

The MNCLHD Governing Board and Chief Executive are keen to promote and foster a culture of research on the MNC. Research will benefit our local area through the attraction, recruitment and retention of highly skilled clinicians with an interest in research and develop projects that are specific and will benefit our community and healthcare system.

What’s new?

During the COVID-19 pandemic researchers may need to consider changes in the methods and ability to conduct research. Consideration needs to be given to participants’ needs due to self-isolation, travel restrictions, site visit limitations and safety for both participants and staff.

Guidance for research within the MNCLHD may be found in the following levels:


MNCLHD-specific measures for COVID-19 interruption to Clinical Trials and non-drug research

This guidance is to be read in conjunction with State guidance documents. It’s recommended to liaise with the Research Governance Officer or Research Office for guidance.


NSW Health COVID-19 Guidance on Clinical Trials: Guidance for clinical trial sponsors, sites and researchers

This guidance has been provided to minimise the adverse health impacts on clinical trial participants as well as site, sponsor and vendor staff involved in clinical trials. Emphasis is placed on managing burden and disruption to health-related services in NSW at this critical time.


COVID-19: Guidance on clinical trials for institutions, HRECs, researchers and sponsors

This guidance provides general information and advice to institutions conducting or overseeing research, Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs), researchers and sponsors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is directed towards those involved in clinical trial research and other relevant clinical research, but also may be of use to institutions, HRECs and researchers in other fields.

Updates to this information will be provided as the situation evolves. If you have any questions in relation to research during COVID-19 pandemic, please contact research governance or the research office.

Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) is a member of the NSW Regional Health Partners, an initiative of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and is supported by the NSW Ministry of Health Hub Strategy.

The partners include:


The following strategic documents are available:

There are four ‘pillars’ of research focus which closely reflect the MNCLHD Strategic Directions:

  1. People, Patients and Communities
    • Advancing understandings of person-centred strategies to enhance care and promote recover. Researching strategies that empower individuals, families and groups to have greater control over their health, wellbeing and connectedness.
  2. Leadership Workforce and Culture
    • Evaluating best practice in recruitment, retention and development of a highly skilled and engaged workforce able to demonstrate leadership within and external to MNCLHD.
  3. Integrated Care
    • Conducting multi-method investigations into those innovations, mechanisms and structural reforms which support the delivery of seamlessly provided, person centred care across the care continuum.
  4. Safety and Quality
    • Systematic enquiry into initiatives and processes which advance the quality of service provision and governance of safety within the LHD.

Closing the Gap is a priority within each pillar and value and accountability concerns underpins all research.

The District Library Service works to provide staff, VMOs, and students on placement with relevant evidence-based resources for patient care and education.


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