Aged Care Transitional Intervention Program (ACTIP)

ACTIP is a community aged care program that provides short term support (up to 8 weeks), case management and clinical interventions to eligible persons following a recent reduction in their independence due to illness or injury.

ACTIP is a restorative program that includes care coordination, assessment, goal setting, care planning and referral.

Services offered

Must include two of the following:

  • nursing
  • occupational therapy
  • physiotherapy
  • social work
  • case management.
  • A person who is 65 years or over, with an illness/injury.
  • An Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander who is over 45 years of age.
  • A person who would benefit from a short-term intensive period of intervention.
  • A registered client of a palliative care service.
  • A person who is unable to access nursing or allied health via a HCP provider.
Clients have to have at least one of the following:
  • recent acute illness/injury or change of circumstances resulting in reduced ability to self-care temporarily
  • recent exacerbation of chronic illness resulting in a reduced ability to self-care temporarily
  • recent surgical intervention resulting in a reduced ability to self-care temporarily
  • lives alone and lacks support networks
  • carer is aged and debilitated (frail aged)
  • client is carer of an aged debilitated person (frail aged)
  • recent episodes of confusion or disorientation.


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