Let’s Talk: Tell us what you think

Your mob should feel safe and heard when they come to a health facility. You can help with this.

The Mid North Coast Local Health District acknowledges the traditional custodians of country and their continuing connection to land, culture and community.

You have a right to safe and high-quality health care free from discrimination and racism.

You have the right to be included in decisions and choices about your care.

You have a right to personal information being kept private and confidential.

Mid North Coast Local Health District is committed to ensuring the health care you receive is safe, efficient and effective, and respects your rights as an individual.

You have the right to be informed about services, treatment, options and costs in a clear and open way.

You have the right to respect, dignity and consideration.

You have the right to comment on your care and have any concerns addressed.

If you received good health care, please let us know. We’ll forward your kind words to those involved in your care.

If you have concerns about your health care, please contact us. It doesn’t have to be in writing, just pick up the phone and call 1800 726 997. The Consumer Relations office will put you in touch with the right team and provide a confidential, respectful and safe space for talking.

We have dedicated Aboriginal Hospital Liaison Officers (AHLOs) to support you.
Call 1800 726 997 to speak to an AHLO today.


Consumer Relations
Mid North Coast Local Health District
Port Macquarie Health Campus
PO Box 126
Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Our business hours are:

Monday – Friday, 8am to 5pm.
Phone: 1800 726 997
Email: MNCLHD-ConsumerRelations@health.nsw.gov.au

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