Acute to Aged Related Care Services (AARCS)

AARCS coordinates the care pathway for aged care patients in public hospitals.

Services outline

  • Comprehensive aged care assessments for aged inpatients with complex care needs to complement discharge planning.
  • Facilitates residential aged care placement for patients unable to return home from hospital.
  • Arranges family meetings for their target group If necessary.
  • Refers to community based aged care services/respite providers/residential aged care facilities.
  • Liaison with all members of the health care team on issues relating to their clients, can offer advice on ageing issues.
  • Aged care specialist who can assist the older patient to access a range of aged care services, maintains links with residential care and community care providers.
  • A summary care plan for the medical record.
  • Be an older person (65 years plus or 50 plus if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander).
  • Be medically stable.
  • The client must be aware of and consent to the referral.
  • Referrals can only be made by acute care health professionals via the intake services.


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