Aged Care Occupational Therapy Service

Occupational therapists assist people in remaining independent within their own home whilst promoting safety and quality of life.

Reasons for referring to the Aged Care Occupational Therapy Service

  • Equipment prescription to complete daily activities and assist carers.
  • Memory difficulties impacting ability to manage the activities clients want to do or need to do to manage in their home.
  • Difficulties with everyday living and other needs.
  • Upper limb deficits impacting ability to engage in activities of daily living.
  • Be an older person, 65 years plus or 50 years plus if Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander; or
  • Have an age related or age limiting condition (e.g. multiple sclerosis , motor neurone disease, Parkinson’s. young strokes, Huntington’s, dementia, severe arthritis or clients that are palliative).


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