Macksville District Hospital
- Phone02 6598 3300
- Fax02 6598 3310
- Address100 Darruya Road
Macksville NSW 2447
Macksville District Hospital has a 28-bed acute inpatient unit and a 24-hour Emergency Department with medical coverage and telehealth capabilities to connect into Coffs Harbour Health Campus’ Emergency Department.
Two operating suites provide a range of surgical interventions and incorporating a weekly infusion day therapy unit. The hospital’s Midwifery services comprise a Midwifery Led Group Practice model and an onsite Tresillian Residential centre. A range of medical and allied health specialists regularly visit the facility. A variety of community services are provided both from within the facility and servicing the Nambucca Valley.
Within the wider Nambucca Valley, NSW Health operates a six-chair satellite Renal Dialysis unit situated at Nambucca HealthOne, which provides additional community services, along with the Bowraville HealthOne centre.