Stomal Therapy Service
The stomal therapist is responsible for helping patients adjust to living with either a permanent or temporary stoma be it a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy of their gastrostomy feeding tube.
This role includes pre-operative counselling, immediate post-operative care, feeding tube changes, education and follow-up assessment and counselling following patient discharge.
- Pre operative stoma surgery.
- Post operative stoma surgery.
- Post discharge follow up (client/family).
- Any client with an ostomy requiring review/consultation.
- Management problems/complications.
- Appliance update.
- Client/family education, counselling.
- Inflammatory bowel disease/diverticulitis – information/discussion.
- Bowel management.
- Draining wounds.
- Fistula management.
- Wound drainage requiring containment.
- Skin care.
- Gastrostomy/PEG skin care.
- People can self refer, GP consent/request not required.