Diabetes Service

The diabetes service is a multidisciplinary, educational, clinical and ambulatory service. The team provides a high standard of diabetes education, management, community resource and out-reach services. 

  • Education in relation to management of all types of diabetes.
  • Insulin, blood glucose level testing.
  • Hypo management.
  • Counselling for complications.
  • Referral to other allied health services.
  • Management input toward diabetes care plans.
  • Diagnosis of an elevated blood glucose level (BGL) including pre-diabetes.
  • Young people and adults.
  • Pre-conception planning for existing diabetes.
  • Gestational diabetes.
  • Change of treatment.
  • HbA1c greater than 7.5% on maximum orals.
  • Newly diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
  • People can self refer, gestational diabetes and paediatrics will be seen as a priority.
  • Health care professionals are required to complete a Community Health Referral Form (see your community health centre to download the form).


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