Well Women’s Program

The Women’s Health Program provides a wide range of services to improve the health and wellbeing of women of all ages living on the Mid North Coast.

Women’s Health Nurses provide a free, confidential women’s health check and screening service where women can discuss sexual and reproductive health and other concerns they may have about any aspect of their health including mental, social and physical health. These specialised nurses provide outreach clinics to targeted populations, staff education and community information.

Services include:

  • breast awareness and checks
  • cervical screening test
  • pelvic floor assessment
  • pregnancy testing, and
  • post natal check
  • menopause counselling
  • pregnancy counselling
  • heart health screening.

Women’s health clinics also provide a range of initial counselling on a range of women’s health topics such as:

  • contraceptive advice
  • pregnancy choices
  • fertility
  • sexuality.

Women’s health clinics can also provide information about sexual assault services and domestic violence information.

The Women’s Health Program offers several community programs, including:

The following publications relating to women’s health issues may be of interest:


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