At home post surgery care

You may need to take medications to stimulate your bowel movements. Movicol-Half is recommended if you have not opened your bowels for longer than a day. If in doubt, consult your doctor. If unwell, attend the emergency department.    

Gentle sexual activity is safe, as soon as you feel up to it. It would not cause damage. Initial fear and anxieties are part of the normal healing process. Some patients experience sexual dysfunction because of the pelvic nerves being compromised by the surgery. Consult your surgeon regarding available treatment options.

If your job does not involve strenuous activity or heavy lifting, you may be able to return to work after four weeks. If your job involves heavy duties, your surgeon will advise you as to when you can return to work.

You should not drive for at least two weeks.

You should attend the emergency department if:

  • there is redness or swelling of the wound
  • you develop a discharge from the wound
  • your stomach becomes unusually bloated or painful
  • you have a fever or feel unwell or repeatedly vomit
  • you have an ileostomy that has not functioned for six hours, or you have a colostomy that has not functioned for three days.

It may be a good idea to write down the questions you want to discuss with your doctor, for example, using complementary medications or alternate therapies.

If complications arise, your surgeon may convert your care from the ERAS regime to the traditional methods of care to ensure the best possible outcome for you.

If in doubt don’t hesitate to ask your treating team to provide you with the information you require to address any concerns you may have.

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