
Immunisation is a safe and effective way of protecting you and your child against serious diseases.

Immunisation protects you from harmful diseases before you come into contact with them. It uses your body’s natural defences to build resistance to specific diseases. If you come into contact with that disease in the future, your immune system remembers it, and responds quickly to prevent the disease from developing.

After immunisation, you are far less likely to catch the disease you have been immunised against. If you do catch the disease, your illness will be less severe. Your recovery will be quicker than an unimmunised person’s recovery.

The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout your life. The immunisations range from birth through to adulthood.

All vaccines listed in the NIP Schedule are free. Eligibility for free vaccines under the NIP is linked to eligibility for Medicare benefits.

To get the best possible protection, make sure you have your immunisations on time, every time. 

For for a range of information on immunisation programs and resources for clinicians visit NSW Health.

To find out more about MNCLHD immunisation programs contact the North Coast Public Health Unit.


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