Become a Consumer Representative
In the Mid North Coast Local Health District, we value the experiences of consumers (patients, carers and families).
We know that consumers have better health outcomes when they’re involved in the design, delivery, and evaluation of health services.
Some examples of what this partnership looks like include:
- completing local patient experience surveys
- completing statewide surveys through the Bureau of Health Information
- inviting consumer feedback on data collection and reporting
- participating in working parties for new builds (such as the Coffs Harbour Health Campus redevelopment)
- collaboration on artworks, building design and use of language (such as in the new Macksville District Hospital)
- membership on advisory committees (such as the Healthy Communities Advisory Committee and Aboriginal Advisory Committees)
- membership on hospital and Governing Board sub-committees
- the REACH program
Information on the national approach to partnering with consumers can be found at the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care website.
Please contact the MNCLHD Consumer Engagement Team to explore how you can be involved: