The Cancer Journey is unique for each person. Please don’t hesitate to talk to staff at the MNCCI about the impact that your diagnosis and treatment has on you and your family/carer so that we are better able to assist and support you.
The following staff are helpful resources to assist you with your care:
Allied Health staff: dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers, speech pathologists and pharmacy services
Breast and gynaecology cancer nurse
Cancer Care Coordinator
Lymphodoema therapist
Medical oncologist
Oncology nurses
Radiation oncologist
Radiation therapist
Specialist breast nurse
Prostate cancer nurse.
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Caring for someone with cancer can be physically and emotionally draining. It can also affect your work, study or family life. It’s important to look after yourself, and get help and support when you need it. To find out more about your local support services contact a member of your health care team.
Cancer Council 13 11 20 is a free, confidential telephone information and support service run by Cancer Councils in each state and territory. If you have a question about cancer, or if you’re seeking emotional or practical support, call 13 11 20 to speak to our specially trained staff.
Hastings Prostate Cancer Support Group
Last Thursday of the month at 5pm.
Girl Guides Hall
50 Hollingsworth St
Port Macquarie