Ian Treweek

Ian Treweek

District Director Digital Health

Ian has been in IT for over 25 years and in senior management roles for the past 18 years. His background spans many industries that include not for profit organisations, government departments, financial services companies, software development companies, and non-government organisations.  

In the last 10 years Ian has led significant digital transformation programs in the non-profit and government sectors, his most recent role was in the disability sector at The Disability Trust where he led the uplift of all digital services improving outcomes for the organisation’s clients and participants.

The Digital Health Directorate is a distinct business unit that utilises the latest advances in health technology to deliver world-class, patient-centred healthcare.

Digital Health services include:

  • the design, development, creation, use and maintenance of health IT infrastructure
  • the implementation of state-wide core systems and compliance with state-wide standards
  • the electronic management of health information to deliver safer, more efficient and better-quality healthcare
  • IT solutions for the delivery of healthcare online.

Director Digital Health
Email: ian.treweek@health.nsw.gov.au

Executive Assistant
Phone: 0400 641 238
Email: MNCLHD-DH-EA@health.nsw.gov.au


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