a man standing next to two women, yellow curtains in the background.

Hidden Treasure Honour Roll member Dee Hunter (centre) with Macksville Deputy Director of Nursing Mark Tyler and fellow BowraMacksville UHA volunteer Heather Edwards.

Shining a light on our Hidden Treasure, Dee Hunter

May 29, 2024

The Mid North Coast Local Health District has congratulated Dee Hunter, the North Eastern Regional Representative for the United Hospital Auxiliaries (UHA) of NSW, on being added to the 2023 Hidden Treasures Honour Roll.

This prestigious recognition highlights her exceptional voluntary contributions to the UHA branches on the Mid North Coast and her unwavering support for hospital patients.

The Nambucca woman who volunteers with the BowraMacksville UHA branch, and is on the UHA’s central executive, has been a driving force behind the success of the UHA on the Mid North Coast.

Her tireless efforts have significantly enhanced the support provided to hospitals and patients, making her a true asset to the UHA and the broader community.

The announcement was made by the NSW Minister for Women, Jodie Harrison, and the Honour Roll is proudly displayed on the Rural Women’s Network website.

MNCLHD Chief Executive Stewart Dowrick said Ms Hunter’s recognition is a testament to her hard work, compassion, and the positive impact she has had on the lives of many.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dee and express our deepest gratitude for her continued service and dedication,” Mr Dowrick said.

“Her work not only uplifts the spirits of those she helps but also inspires others to contribute to their communities.”

Ms Hunter joined the UHA in 2010, bringing her special skills of administration and leadership to the role of Regional Representative for the UHA of NSW, representing 12 UHA branches on the Mid North Coast.

She has held this role for the past six years, and last year was elected State Treasurer of the organisation, all while continuing to give of her time as a volunteer in the UHA café at Macksville Hospital, regularly doing more than one shift a week to fill vacancies in the roster.

This past financial year, her branch donated $100,000 in medical equipment to Macksville Hospital, a remarkable achievement made possible by the hard work of this Hidden Treasure and her fellow volunteers.

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