Three women with medals.

Pink Ladies President Gabby Gregory and UHA North Eastern Regional Representative Dee Hunter with Heather Cowan holding her 20-year service badge and bar.

Pink Ladies volunteer 14,139 hours for PMBH patients

Sep 01, 2023

Port Macquarie Base Hospital’s much-loved Pink Ladies gave an astounding 14,139 hours of volunteer work to support staff and patients.

The remarkable figure was revealed at the group’s annual general meeting, held on Monday at The Westport Club, where the volunteers had gathered to elect their 2023-24 executive committee.

Gabby Gregory was returned as president, unopposed. She will be assisted by vice-presidents Karen Swain and Lesley Watts.

Dorothy Green was re-elected as secretary, Judy Davidson is assistant secretary, and Chris Tait was re-elected as treasurer.

The AGM was also an opportunity to recognise the outstanding service of 10 members.

The United Hospital Auxiliaries (UHA) of NSW North Eastern Regional Representative Dee Hunter had the honour of presenting the service awards.

Colin Booth and Chris Dwyer received their 10-year service badges, Yvonne Davis, Sandra McAlpin and Lesley Watts were presented with their 15-year certificates, and Heather Cowan received her 20-year badge.

Four members unable to attend the AGM were also acknowledged. Lorraine Beukers and Henry Nicholson will receive their 10-year badges, and David Butterfield and Robyn Crosarial will receive certificates recognising 15 years of service to the UHA.

Mrs Gregory thanked Westport Club for providing the meeting venue, the branch committee members for their support over the past year, and roster clerks Lesley Watts, Sandra McNally, Sonia Currie and Kerry Fox for ensuring Pink Ladies were supporting as many staff and patients in as many wards as possible.

“It is an honour and a privilege to represent the Pink Ladies as president, and I thank the volunteers for allowing me to act on your behalf,” Mrs Gregory said.

Mid North Coast Local Health District Corporate Relations Coordinator Sharon Fuller was also present and took the opportunity to thank the volunteers for their amazing support.

“Our staff and our patients greatly appreciate the work of the Port Macquarie Pink Ladies,” Ms Fuller said.

“The past couple of years have been challenging, but I want to thank each and every volunteer for sticking with us during uncertain times and coming back to us when we needed them to.

“Our staff and our patients appreciate everything the Pink Ladies do for them, from the e-car service in the car park to the trolley service in the wards.

“It is impossible to calculate the real value of more than 14,000 hours of volunteer work in our hospital, but I think everyone who has anything to do with the Pink Ladies would agree they are priceless.”

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