Five people in a rehabilitation unit with a new piece of equipment

Park Beach Bowling Club CEO Thane Duncan (left), Rehabilitation Unit Nurse Unit Manager Jennie Helisma, Occupational Therapist Gerard De Carle, Park Beach Bowling Club Director Chairperson Laurie Boekeman and Physiotherapist Tim Kuchel with the new equipment.

Park Beach Bowls Club helps patients get back on their feet

Mar 08, 2024

The Rehabilitation/Stroke Unit at Coffs Harbour Health Campus has two new pieces of equipment, to help patients get back on their feet, thanks to a $6000 grant from Park Beach Bowling Club.

The grant facilitated the purchase of a plinth and a Sara Stedy device.

These invaluable additions serve critical functions in the rehabilitation process for patients.

The plinth is used for strengthening exercises, enabling patients to engage in targeted physical therapy routines designed to aid in their recovery. Additionally, the Sara Stedy helps patients as they transition from a sitting to a standing position, promoting mobility and independence.

Nurse Unit Manager Jennie Helisma expressed her gratitude for the generous support, emphasising the significance of the equipment in optimising the quality of care delivered to patients undergoing rehabilitation following stroke, injury, or illness.

“The contribution from Park Beach Bowling Club has been instrumental in enhancing our capabilities to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to our patients,” Ms Helisma said.

“The plinth and Sara Stedy will play a crucial role in facilitating the recovery journey of our patients, empowering them to regain strength and mobility.”

Park Beach Bowling Club CEO Thane Duncan said the club was committed to supporting initiatives that positively impact the health and wellbeing of the local community.

“Park Beach Bowling Club is extremely happy to continue our partnership with Coffs Harbour Health Campus’ Rehabilitation and Stroke Units,” Mr Duncan said.

“We understand and know the importance of the equipment that has been purchased and we are very proud to be involved to help the community in our small way.”

Park Beach Bowling Club has supported the Rehabilitation and Stroke Units in the past with similar grants, which Ms Helisma said exemplified the power of community engagement and collective efforts in advancing healthcare delivery and promoting wellness within the region.

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