Seven people standing either side of a bladder scanner on a stand.

Cardiology nursing staff Vinod Cherian, Rachael Stacey, NUM Lisa Bemmann and Sean Carroll with the bladder scanner, funded by Kendall Op Shop, and Heart Health NSW volunteers Reg Wilkinson, President Doug Short and Dennis Bridgeland.

Collaboration’s heartwarming gift focused on patient-centred care

May 09, 2024

In a remarkable display of community support, Kendall Op Shop and Heart Health NSW have joined forces to donate a $17,000 bladder scanner to Port Macquarie Base Hospital’s Cardiology Services.

This invaluable contribution significantly enhances patient care in the Cardiac Catheter Laboratory and Coronary Care Unit, ensuring prompt and efficient treatment for patients with varying healthcare needs.

The bladder scanner was funded through a Kendall Op Shop Community Grant, applied for by Heart Health NSW volunteers, who run the cardiac buddy support program at Port Macquarie Base.

The donation means Cardiology Services now has its own scanner, streamlining patient care processes.

Bladder scans, a non-invasive and painless procedure, play a crucial role in assessing urinary retention, fluid status, and post-surgical recovery. With many patients in Cardiology Services requiring routine assessments post clinical procedures and surgeries, the bladder scanner serves as an essential tool in providing quality care and promoting positive patient outcomes.

Nursing Unit Manager for Cardiology Services Lisa Bemmann expressed profound gratitude for the donation.

“The bladder scanner has made a significant impact on providing high-quality patient-centered care,” said Ms Bemmann. “It has enabled staff greater access to essential medical equipment, and we are extremely grateful for this generous contribution.”

“The Coronary Care team extends heartfelt thanks to Kendall Op Shop and Heart Health NSW volunteers for their resolute support and dedication to improving healthcare in the Port Macquarie community.

Heart Health NSW President Doug Short paid tribute to Kendall Op Shop for its support of local worthy projects.

“We couldn’t have secured this equipment for cardiac patients without the Op Shop’s Community Grants program,” Mr Short said.

“It’s wonderful to know our collaborative efforts are making a meaningful difference in the lives of heart patients at Port Macquarie Base.”

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