Pink and white mobile cancer screening truck

Bound for Nambucca.

BreastScreen van in Nambucca – fast, free and could be lifesaving

Mar 22, 2024

BreastScreen NSW’s mobile screening van will be in Nambucca Heads from Monday 25 March until mid-April 2024.

BreastScreen NSW provides free breast screening to support the early detection of breast cancer.

Acting Director of BreastScreen North Coast, Emma Cronin, says a regular breast screen is one of the most important things women can do for their health.

“Detecting breast cancer early increases your chance of survival while reducing the likelihood of invasive treatment, such as mastectomy or chemotherapy,” she said.

“Around 90 per cent of people diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history. This is why breast cancer screening is so important for all eligible patients.”

Emma says having a BreastScreen NSW van in Nambucca Heads makes it easier for women to attend their recommended two-yearly screening. 

“Life gets busy and we want women to make health a priority. Bringing these vital services to Nambucca Heads means more local women can be screened. It’s fast, it’s free and it could save your life.”

The BreastScreen NSW van will be located in Bellwood Park, Nambucca Heads. Clients can access the van in Bellwood Park via Riverside Drive.

An appointment with BreastScreen NSW is free, takes less than 20 minutes and no doctor’s referral is needed.

  • BreastScreen NSW invites all women to screen every two years from age 50.
  • Any woman with a family history of breast cancer should discuss their specific needs with their GP.
  • Anyone with breast symptoms should contact their GP or health worker without delay.

The mobile screening van is equipped with a lift system to support people with health conditions or disability to have their mammograms. Anyone with additional needs is encouraged to let us know when booking appointments.

To book a free mammogram, visit or call 13 20 50.

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