A woman standing holding a microphone and presenting to a group of people sitting and tables and chairs.

Health Promotion Tobacco Coordinator Melinda Ricketts hosted information sessions on the harms of youth vaping.

Youth vaping put in the spotlight

Jul 05, 2023
This article was published 1 year ago.

Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD) Health Promotion Tobacco Coordinator Melinda Ricketts recently provided youth vaping education sessions to two North Coast Primary Health Network (NCPHN) Clinical Society groups.

The education sessions, held in May, aimed to provide information on the prevalence and harms of vaping among youth and support clinicians with strategies to address youth vaping.

These presentations were an extension of the work being undertaken by the North Coast Youth Vaping Taskforce.

The NCPHN Clinical Societies are collectives of health professionals including General Practitioners, Allied Health, Clinical Nurses, Practice Nurses and Medical Specialists.

Feedback collected by the NCPHN indicated that staff would review and modify their current practice to increase routine screening of vape use in young people, provide additional information to parents and caregivers, encourage Nicotine Replacement Therapy use and promote referral options.

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