Women holding artworks

Artist Colleen Smith (front centre) with workshop participants Tiffany Ostler, Summer Strong, Nina Strong, Latoya Smith, Marie, Melissa Ostler, Natalie Ostler and Stephanie Ostler and their stunning works of art, which represent the mountains of the Hastings Valley, the river flowing through the valley, the tracks of animals, and, at the centre of their creations, the artists’ families.

Women’s group supports relationship building with Health

Apr 15, 2024

Hastings Valley Aboriginal Women’s Group, facilitated by Hastings Macleay Clinical Network Aboriginal Health Worker Jade Chelman, held an Aboriginal Art Workshop in Wauchope recently featuring talented local artist Colleena Smith of CRS Paintings.

Jade, who is part of the Domestic Violence Prevention Education Program team, said the workshop was a great success.

“The women who attended enjoyed the day connecting, yarning and being creative,” Jade said.

“The group supports the development of relationship building with NSW Health staff and community to improve health outcomes for Aboriginal Women.”

Hastings Valley Aboriginal Women’s Group is funded and supported by Healthy North Coast.

women seated at a table while another woman at the end of the table stands to address them.

The workshop was a great success, producing some beautiful art pieces and a stronger connection for Aboriginal women to local Health services.

Woman holding an art work.

Artist Colleena Smith with a beautiful artwork, created at the workshop.


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