Rehabilitation Unit Nursing Unit Manager Nez Cooke and Director of Nursing/Executive Officer Wayne Southern accept a generous donation from Wauchope Women's Bowling Club Secretary Glenda Elford and President Doris McKinnon.

Wauchope Women’s Bowling Club supports Rehabilitation patients

Feb 14, 2024

In a heartwarming display of community support, the Wauchope Women’s Bowling Club has donated $650 to the Rehabilitation Unit at Wauchope District Memorial Hospital.

The generous donation will aid in enhancing the care and support provided to patients undergoing rehabilitation following stroke, injury or illness.

The funds were raised through the club’s “wrong bias” fundraiser and annual Friendship Morning. The wrong bias donations are collected from players who send their bowl away from the jack instead of toward it.

Additionally, the annual Friendship Morning provided a welcoming platform for potential newcomers to acquaint themselves with the game of lawn bowls. The event not only introduced individuals to the joys of the sport but also showcased the club’s commitment to supporting its community. The day’s fundraising was assisted by Wauchope Country Club, which waived its green fees for the event.

Wauchope Director of Nursing/Executive Officer Wayne Southern said the decision to support the Rehabilitation Unit reflects the club’s dedication to supporting the health and well-being of the local community.

“Rehabilitation services play a crucial role in aiding patients on their journey to recovery, and the lady bowlers’ donation will contribute to enhancing the unit’s resources and facilities,” Mr Southern said.

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