Two health staff wearing personal protective equipment

The community is being urged to get tested, even for the mildest of symptoms, and isolate until the results become available. The Kempsey testing clinic is open from 8.30am to 4pm daily.

Support for teen confirmed to have COVID-19

Aug 18, 2021
This article was published 4 years ago.
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Mid North Coast Local Health District is providing care and support to a teenager confirmed to have COVID-19.

This is the first confirmed case of COVID-19 on the Mid North Coast since April 2020.

The teenager is isolating at home and is a known contact of a confirmed case. Urgent investigations and contact tracing are underway to identify any close contacts.

The Kempsey community is urged to come forward for testing for even the mildest of symptoms and isolate until they have received their results.

A COVID-19 testing clinic is open at Kempsey Health Campus between 8.30am and 4pm daily. Clinic hours may be extended further if required.

There are seven testing clinics across the Mid North Coast. The locations and opening hours of these testing clinics are listed on the NSW Government website.

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