Stepping On participants hard at work during one of the exercise sessions.

‘Stepping On’ to Prevent Falls For Seniors

Jan 21, 2020
This article was published 5 years ago.

The Stepping On program for seniors, considered one of the most effective falls prevention programs in NSW, starts in Laurieton on 11 February.

The free program caters for people aged 65 and over who have fallen or who have a fear of falling. Participants must be able to walk by themselves or with a walking stick.

The program covers a range of topics, including vision, medicines and practical exercises to improve strength and balance. The group-based sessions run for two hours a week for seven weeks, followed by a refresher session two months later.

Participation in a program like Stepping On may help older people maintain independence and give them confidence so they are able to undertake their everyday activities.

The program also includes regular group sessions facilitated by Physiotherapists and invited guest speakers.

Dorothy, a recent Stepping On participant, said the program was excellent.

“I feel so much more confident, stable and balanced when I walk around. Going to the Stepping On program has made a big difference to my life,” she said.

“I am more aware of keeping myself safe and how to prevent myself falling. I got to meet new people, it was fun and now I am a lot stronger and more confident to go out in the community. I highly recommend this program to anyone.”

Falls are a major cause of injury and death for older people. Each year, falls in NSW lead to approximately 30,000 hospitalisations and at least 300 deaths in those aged 65 years and over. Even non-injurious falls can have negative impacts on a person’s life including a loss of confidence and restriction in their everyday activities.

To participate in this free community program, call Stepping On Coordinator Ellie Sneddon on 6561 2974.

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