four women holding knitted rugs and beanies

Talented Lynne Dick, Jen Lucey, Lyn Scott and Bron Guymer with the rugs and beanies made by members of the UHA and Hastings Auto Restorers for frail aged patients at PMBH.

Nifty knitters’ warm gift to elderly patients

Aug 29, 2023

Frail aged patients at Port Macquarie Base Hospital will have toasty warm knee rugs and beanies to help keep the warm outdoors thanks to some busy knitters and crocheters.

Volunteers in the Camden Haven United Hospital Auxiliary and Hastings Auto Restorers Society presented the beautifully made items to the Geriatric Evaluation Management Unit this week.

The knitwear was gratefully received by Clinical Nurse Specialist Bec Richer, who thanked the talented ladies for their thoughtfulness.

Since March this year, the ladies have spent 204 hours knitting and crocheting 80 rugs and 30 beanies for hospital patients at Port Macquarie and Wauchope.

A nurse holding knitwear

Clinical Nurse Specialist Bec Richer with some of the donated rugs and beanies.

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