Two women in pink shirts with a nurse and clinic chair

Safe, functional, comfortable: Linda Friend and Helen Meares from the Coffs Harbour UHA with Registered Nurse Melinda Fardy and one of the two clinic chairs donated to Coffs Harbour Community Health.

New clinic chairs level-up comfort and safety during treatments

May 01, 2024

Treatments at Coffs Harbour Community Health are now more comfortable for patients and staff, thanks to a generous donation from the Coffs Harbour Pink Ladies.

Two clinic chairs, valued at $8950 each, were received with gratitude. They can be adjusted to multiple positions, raised and lowered according to the needs of patients and staff safety.

Nurse Unit Manager Rachel Baston said the chairs, while practical and much needed, boosted team spirit at community health.

“The chairs symbolise the Pink Ladies’ recognition of the work performed by community health and our staff feel appreciated for what they do. We are extremely grateful for this wonderfully kind gesture,” Ms Baston said.

“Our services are in high demand and the chairs make our workplace safer and enable our patients to be more comfortable during treatments such as wound care.”

Pink Ladies Treasurer Linda Friend said being able to donate equipment to benefit healthcare workers and patients was important for the volunteers.

“We often get thankyous for the equipment we have purchased over the years,” Ms Friend said.

“We all work hard and get a lot of enjoyment and satisfaction from being able to make a difference and we hope to continue our work for many years to come.”

Last year the incredible group, which is the Coffs Harbour branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW, raised more than $274,000 for equipment at the Coffs Harbour Health Campus.

Anyone wanting to join the Coffs Harbour UHA is encouraged to email



Caption: Safe, functional, comfortable: Linda Friend and Helen Meares from the Coffs Harbour UHA with Registered Nurse Melinda Fardy and one of the two clinic chairs donated to Coffs Harbour Community Health.

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