Nambucca Heads UHA representatives (L-R) Jo Parsons, Keith Parkin, Michelle O’Keefe and Maureen Novis with Macksville District Hospital’s Perioperative NUM Theresa Keighran (second from left).

Nambucca volunteers celebrate a big year

Dec 15, 2020
This article was published 4 years ago.

The Nambucca branch of the United Hospital Auxiliaries of NSW has held its end-of-year get-together; reflecting on a successful year in support of Macksville District Hospital.

The volunteers, who raise funds by hosting Bingo every Wednesday at Nambucca RSL Club, donated an amazing $30,000 worth of medical equipment to the hospital.

The equipment included a vital signs monitor and electric bed for the operating theatres and a vital signs monitor and infusion pump for the general ward.

President Maureen Novis was quick to praise her committee of Jo Parsons, Keith Parkin and Michelle O’Keefe for their hard work in ensuring the success and popularity of the weekly Bingo session.

She also thanked the UHA members and guests for supporting the fundraiser, saying without them there would be no donation.

“Even though we had a setback with COVID-19, it was still a great year to help the hospital,” Ms Novis said.

Macksville Hospital Deputy Director of Nursing Lisa Slater thanked the volunteers for their support.

“We know it’s been a difficult year for a lot of people, including our volunteers, many of whom couldn’t continue with their fundraising activities due to COVID precautions,” Ms Slater said.

“And yet, here we are at the end of 2020, celebrating a team effort that has helped the UHA branch deliver some incredibly important medical equipment to our hospital.

“We owe our volunteers a great debt of gratitude for their hard work and ongoing support, particularly during what is widely accepted as being a very difficult year.”

About 40 volunteers, and representatives of Macksville Hospital, attended the Christmas luncheon at Nambucca RSL Club.

Volunteers at Christmas party

Nambucca UHA Volunteers enjoy their Christmas get-together at Nambucca RSL Club.

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