Three volunteers with pile of mattresses

Kempsey UHA President Aileen Lewthwaite, Pat Major and Ruth Woodward with the new mattresses, made possible from the proceeds of the branch’s craft sales and street stalls.

Kempsey volunteers deliver an early Christmas present

Dec 17, 2020
This article was published 4 years ago.

Kempsey District Hospital has received an early Christmas present – 20 new hospital-grade mattresses.

The gift was made possible thanks to the hard work of the Kempsey United Hospital Auxiliary and Pink Ladies, who raised the required $9000 through their craft stalls.

Acting Executive Officer Felicity Wardle thanked the volunteers for their extraordinary efforts in what has been an extraordinary year.

“It’s been one of those years most people would rather forget but, for us, it’s ended on a high note with our wonderful volunteers donating 20 new mattresses,” Ms Wardle said.

“These mattresses will improve patient comfort in a variety of units throughout the hospital.

“The gift comes on top of a further $8000 worth of equipment, including a walker, wheelchair and recumbent bike, donated by the volunteers earlier this year.

“In a year that most would rather forget, our volunteers stepped up, doing what they could to raise funds when many of their regular fundraising activities and volunteer services had to be suspended due to COVID.

“We are eternally grateful for their ongoing support, and I think it’s safe to say our community also is eternally grateful for their commitment.

“Their donations make such a big difference to the comfort and care of our patients, and that’s something we can all celebrate and be thankful for in 2020.”

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