Garry Lonergan, Charlie Buchanan and Rocky Condello with the Mid North Coast Local Health District’s new Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurse Jackie Cooper.

Jackie’s new role supporting prostate cancer patients

Dec 06, 2023

The Mid North Coast Cancer Institute (MNCCI) has a new prostate cancer specialist nurse dedicated to supporting men with prostate cancer and their families.

Jackie Cooper, a nurse for 39 years, has taken on the new role with a view to sharing her patients’ journey, providing the information and support they need throughout their treatment, including managing the challenges and side effects of prostate cancer treatments.

“I want to bridge the gap for regional patients and make sure they get the best services and support available,” Ms Cooper said.

“I like to think I am very approachable and easy to talk to.”

Ms Cooper has worked for the past 12 years in radiotherapy at MNCCI, which inspired her to become a prostate cancer specialist nurse.

She moved to the Hastings from Sydney, where she worked with renal transplant and cardiothoracic patients almost 30 years ago, working in intensive care and recovery before joining the MNCCI’s radiotherapy team.

Prostate Cancer Specialist nurses help patients in a variety of ways.

They are an ongoing and consistent point of contact and support for the patient, helping men access hospital and community services during and after treatment.

They can help coordinate the patient’s care, help them access a support group, and help them deal with the effects of treatment.

Ms Cooper is one of two Prostate Cancer Specialist Nurses on the Mid North Coast appointed under the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia’s Prostate Cancer Specialist Nursing Program.

When patients are referred to MNCCI’s radiation oncologists through their GP or urologist, Ms Cooper becomes part of their support and treatment network.

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