Kurdish Kurmanji Interpreter Khider Ali with Social Worker Kylie Piper and and Ibrahim Almurad originally from Iraq.

Coffs Multicultural Health Clinic is helping refugees heal

Mar 19, 2024

More than four years ago Ibrahim Almurad came to Australia from Iraq, settling on the Coffs Coast with his family. He brought with him two little boys who needed a high- level of medical support.

That’s when Ibrahim was introduced to the staff at the Refugee/Multicultural Health Clinic at Coffs Harbour Health Campus and Social Worker Kylie Piper, who helped him navigate the ins and outs of the healthcare his children need.

Kylie is part of a diverse team of clinicians and specialists, including registered nurses, general practitioners, interpreters, and consultants, who help heal families like Ibrahim’s who have relocated to Australia following traumatic life experiences.

“I love coming to work and helping people, it is very rewarding working with families such as Ibrahim’s to ensure they are supported,” Ms Piper said.

“I try to make sure people are not falling through the cracks. So, it might be simply making an appointment for the dentist or filling out a form to go to hospital for a procedure.

“It’s not easy for some refugees to make appointments or navigate the health system so we work with the families and the people in our team like Khider Ali, who is a Kurdish Kurmanji interpreter.

“In my role as a social worker, every day is different. It’s never the same but sometimes it’s the little things we do that make all the difference.”

On this World Social Work Day (19 March), let’s celebrate our staff who work in this space.

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