Giving time: Helen Harris and Margaret Zenos.

Festive cheer in Dorrigo

Dec 24, 2023

In true Dorrigo style, staff celebrated the end of another year and the beginning of the Christmas season with the annual Secret Santa luncheon.

As always, there was good food, laughter and joy for all.

This year, District board members Jenny Zirkler and Luke Hartsuyker joined the Dorrigo family lunch and were entrusted with picking the winner of the inaugural Christmas tree decorating competition.

Thank you to all the staff and residents who took part in the competition; it really was lovely to see everyone’s contribution.

From sticks with baubles to the tree of kindness that held free chocolates & a message of kindness. Congratulations to the catering team of Sherrie and Colleen for taking out the prize.

Christmas quizzes, and a staff raffle helped break up the busy atmosphere. What festive season would be complete without Christmas carols with our lovely residents and volunteers? Thank you also to the CARE Collaborative for providing prizes again this year. Merry Christmas to all.

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