Fantastic response to call for increased COVID-19 testing
Jul 21, 2021View the latest updates.
The Mid North Coast community’s response to the recent call for increased COVID-19 testing has been fantastic, with almost 4,200 tests conducted across the region in the past week.
Yesterday was another record day with 1,426 people presenting for testing at clinics across the district, including more than half (883) at Coffs Harbour.
Mid North Coast Local Health District Chief Executive Stewart Dowrick thanked staff and the community for their response.
“I’d again like to thank our wonderful staff at our testing clinics for their tireless efforts and the community for coming forward for testing and helping us to keep each other safe,” Mr Dowrick said.
The Mid North Coast Local Health District has experienced increased COVID-19 testing since the Bondi cluster began in mid-June.
“We continue to urge anyone feeling unwell – even with the mildest of symptoms such as a runny nose, scratchy or sore throat, cough, fever, shortness of breath, headache, tiredness, loss of taste or smell, nausea, diarrhoea or muscle aches – to self-isolate and seek COVID-19 testing,” he said.
If you are eligible, please also come forward for vaccination as soon as possible. There are more than 100 NSW vaccination clinics and outreach locations across the state.
Visit NSW Health to find a testing clinic near you.