Enjoying victory in the table tennis grudge match.

Everyone is a winner at the Inpatient Games

Sep 18, 2023

The competition was friendly but fierce at this year’s Inpatient Games held at Coffs Harbour Health Campus’ Mental Health Inpatient Unit, with staff and patients going head-to-head in the annual grudge match.

Participants vied for bragging rights in the coveted title of Best Sportsperson of the Year in both the male and female categories, along with Best Performance by a Staff Member.

The morning warmup of activities included squats, wall sits and skipping, with magnetic darts a favourite among the contestants.

The competition involved contenders shooting it out on the basketball court and one-on-one with players battling for points in badminton.

Staff member Mani Sidhu put in a big effort, clocking up five minutes and 30 seconds of endurance in the plank competition, while Peer Support Worker Dane Owen took out the top spot in the paper plane showdown.

As the competition drew to a close, Suicide Prevention Coordinator Sage Green was keen to defend her title as reigning champion in the Egg and Spoon Race but nursing colleague Cherie Jurkewicz had other ideas, taking both the title and the trophy home.

At the finish line, everyone was a winner with lots of participation from staff and patients.

A big thanks to the Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour, the Pink Ladies Café and Big W for their financial contribution toward vouchers and prizes, as well as Dane for organising the event.


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