Four charity volunteers with cancer unit manager in quiet room used to support patients

Mother’s Day Classic organisers Kylie Bulmer (left) and Carmen Abi-Saab (right) with Pink Girls Tracy Stone and Magalie Lameloise and Mid North Cancer Institute Acting Nurse Unit Manager Katie Gooch in the quiet room that is about to undergo a makeover thanks to community donations.

Classic support for cancer patients

Jun 17, 2021
This article was published 4 years ago.

Port Macquarie’s riverfront was again dotted with pink on Sunday 9 May as the annual Mother’s Day Classic fun run and walk returned.

The event raises awareness of, and funds for, breast cancer research, and is a great opportunity for the community to get together in support of those touched by breast cancer.

In addition to supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s research projects, event organisers Kylie Bulmer and Carmen Abi-Saab joined with members of Port Macquarie Pink Girls, Tracy Stone and Magalie Lameloise, to fundraise for the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute at Port Macquarie.

The group sells merchandise and flowers, and runs a raffle where funds raised are shared equally between the National Breast Cancer Foundation and the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute.

In the past few years, funds raised by the group have been used to rejuvenate the entrance garden to MNCCI, purchase 40 books for its patient library and, most recently, provide tablets and headphone sets for patients to use at the clinic while they are undergoing treatment.

This year, $800 raised through the Classic’s charity event will contribute towards the refurbishment and beautification of the MNCCI’s quiet rooms, where MNCCI team members,  patients and support people receive support and education in a quiet and private space.

Acting Nurse Unit Manager Katie Gooch said the ongoing support of the Pink Girls and the Mother’s Day Classic was greatly appreciated.

“We have wanted to improve the amenity of our patient quiet rooms for some time, so this wonderful show of support from the Classic organisers and the Pink Girls has come at exactly the right time,” Ms Gooch said.

“We can’t thank everyone who supported this annual event enough. It will make a big difference to patient amenity, and we all know how important that is for people receiving cancer treatment and care.”

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