two golfers with two cancer care nurses

Port Macquarie Women’s Golf Club President Patsy Choo and event sponsor, KFC franchise owner Fran Scutts, with Acting Breast Cancer Nurse Specialist Kelly Scott-McGrath and MNCCI Nurse Unit Manager Emily Saul.

Charity golf day’s tee-rific ace for breast cancer patients

Nov 17, 2020
This article was published 4 years ago.

Port Macquarie Women’s Golf Club has delivered a $5700 donation to the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute to support local breast cancer patients.

The donation was made possible thanks to 129 women members who took part in the club’s fourth annual Breast Cancer Charity Golf Day on 28 October.

The golfers, dressed in pink, descended on a picture-perfect green to ensure the COVID-safe event could proceed, albeit without the usual visiting club guests.

Women’s Golf Club President Patsy Choo and event sponsor, KFC franchise owner Fran Scutts, ensured the day not only delivered tangible support to breast cancer patients, but also delivered plenty of fun for the participants.

“We are just delighted that we were able to proceed with the charity day, and that so many members had a fantastic time,” Ms Choo said.

“We are a determined lot. Last year’s event took place amid the massive Crestwood fire, heavy smoke and water-bombing helicopters using the golf course dam. After dealing with that chaos, we weren’t about to abandon this year’s event because of a global pandemic.

“We took COVID-safe precautions, and although the presentation function was cancelled, the action on the golf course was a sight to behold.

“We really do owe a huge thank you to our main sponsor, KFC Port Macquarie, and our partners Jon’s Family Jewellers and Marcella Creations, for ensuring the charity day could go ahead.

“This is a cause close to the hearts of many of our members.”

Breast cancer rates in the Hastings are higher than the national average, with one in eight women developing breast cancer before the age of 85.

And 9 out of 10 women diagnosed with breast cancer will have no family history of the disease.

Mid North Coast Cancer Institute Nurse Unit Manager Emily Saul said there had been significant improvements in the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of breast cancer patients in the past decade; many of those improvements made possible through community support, such as the women’s golf club charity day.

“We are so grateful to the ladies for making such a huge commitment in support of our patients,” Ms Saul said.

“The funds raised will target the wellbeing and recovery of local women diagnosed with breast cancer.

“We are immensely grateful for, and humbled by, the support these wonderful ladies provide each year.”

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