Bingo! Nambucca UHA delivers another $20,000
Aug 15, 2022Nambucca Heads branch of the United Hospital Auxiliary celebrated a successful year at its Annual General Meeting recently, having donated $20,934 in medical equipment to Macksville District Hospital.
The remarkable achievement was due to raffles, community donations and the highly popular UHA Bingo held every Wednesday at the Nambucca Heads RSL Club.
Floods and COVID lockdowns couldn’t stop the intrepid volunteers from supporting their local public hospital, an achievement applauded by Mid North Coast Local Health District representative Sharon Fuller; one of two guests attending the AGM.
“Our entire Macksville Hospital team is indebted to the Nambucca Heads UHA branch for its amazing support,” Ms Fuller said.
“The donated trauma bed and Ambu aView monitor, which helps medical staff to see into difficult airways, are vital pieces of equipment making big improvements to patient care at Macksville.
“We can’t thank the Nambucca community enough for supporting the UHA, which in turn supports our staff and patients.”
Guest Dee Hunter, the UHA’s North Eastern Regional Representative, also praised the branch for its remarkable resilience, cohesion and determination.
“I couldn’t be prouder of your achievements this year,” Ms Hunter said.
“You continue to make a remarkable contribution to our local hospital and the health and welfare of our community.”
The end of the financial year saw the branch launch into the 2022-23 financial year with another donation – $20,295 for a Stryker smart bed, a portable examination bed for the women’s health team and a jaundice detector for Maternity.
Branch President Michelle O’Keefe, returned unopposed to the role, thanked her executive committee members, the UHA branch members and the Nambucca community for supporting the branch’s fundraising efforts.
“We’ve had a great year because we’ve had great support. I’d particularly like to thank the Bingo players and the club. They know where the funds go, and I think that’s a big part of our success.”
Branch secretary Patty Barns was returned for her third year in the role and Keith Parkin agreed to another year – his eighth – as Treasurer. He will be assisted by Jo Parsons, who has also served eight years in the role.
Maureen Novis was returned as Vice-president and Judi Belbin is Assistant Secretary.