Book now for the First 2000 Days Webinar Series 2022

Jun 01, 2022
This article was published 3 years ago.

The First 2000 Days Webinar Series 2022 has arrived.

The program aims to build the capacity of Mid North Coast service providers who support families and young children with the priority health areas identified in the First 2000 Days.

Registration is essential to attend any of the webinars. For more information, and to register, visit Blue Sky Training and Events.

Session 2 learning objectives

  • Increase your understanding of the importance of the first 2000 days and actions that can be taken to promote better life outcomes
  • Increase your knowledge of the importance of antenatal care
  • Increase your confidence to engage in conversations about antenatal care.

The webinar series is split into 13 sessions

  1. The Importance of the First 2000 Days (8th of June)
  2. Antenatal Care, Frances Guy (29th of June)
  3. Get Healthy in Pregnancy (6th of July)
  4. Early Breastfeeding (25th of July)
  5. Tresillian – Navigating early parenting (2nd of August)
  6. Nutrition and Feeding (17th of August)
  7. Child and Family Health Nurses (31st of August)
  8. Perinatal Infant Mental Health (21st of September)
  9. Smoking Cessation Support (28th of September)
  10. Physical Activity and Screen Time (18th of October)
  11. Refugee Health (25th of October)
  12. Oral Health (2nd of November)
  13. Speech Pathology (16th of November)
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